Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Jargon

A&E (Accidents and Emergency) = ER (Emergency Room)
Bits = parts (of anything)
Theatre = (OR) Operating Room
Ta = thanks, hello, goodbye (kind of like cheers!)
Loads = lots, many
Holiday = vacation

Spirals = curly fries

There have been two things that I totally take for granted in the US

1. Drinking Fountains: they are everywhere in the US!! Any building you go in to and even outside at places you go they have them all over the place. England has to be a dehydrated country!! Drinking fountains are no where to be found. I definitely do not get enough to drink. Good drinking water is hard to come by unless you just buy it.
2. Garbage cans: these seem to dot the US as well, but not here!

We met a kid at church who is very kind to us. He gives us rides and invites us to things, and he is just nice. He served his mission with Nate Bybee and Nick Demille, so I thought that was pretty cool!! I love the small world and the connections in the church!!! He was driving a few of us back from a fireside (which we were half the congregation, only 7 people showed up!!!) and he took us on a detour to Castle Hill. It is soo cool up there! It's this little castle thing on a hill that you can see all of Huddersfield in a 360 degree circle. It is really cool. It's pretty close to where we live. Me and Carianne wanted to run there yesterday and we thought it was only about 2 1/2 miles there, but we misjudged a little... We are guessing it was at least 7 miles round trip. My legs are pretty sore today. We got a couple pictures from Sunday, but not from our run.


Lori said...

Ta, Heidi: It looks like you are having loads of fun. Seems like you are on Holiday instead of working in the A&E. Your skirt is cute, love.
Cheers, MOM

Carianne King said...

Ha! Yay for running 7 miles! We really need to have Luke drive it again and tell us how far it really is. :) Thanks for doing it with me!